Great Indian Stories

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Who we are

Juggernaut Books is one of India’s most dynamic and successful independent publishers. 

We’re smart, passionate, brave and idea-driven. And we’re nimble, frank and super responsive. 

We have some of the country’s most brilliant editors, and a reputation for doing the best marketing campaigns in the business.

We have a track record for making hits, and we have won (almost) every major Indian book prize. 

We publish Nobel Prize-winners, film stars, novelists, activists, businessmen, historians, lawyers, politicians, sports stars, journalists, and lots of first-time writers – anyone who can tell a great story.

What our authors say about us

  • Seven years ago, Chiki told me I had countless books within me, a notion I couldn't fathom at the time. This encapsulates Chiki and Juggernaut: they uncover stories and storytellers long before they realize their potential. They are deeply invested in ensuring the best narratives reach the world, often caring more about it than the authors do.

    Ankur warikoo

  • Juggernaut has shown the ability to be consistently ahead of the publishing curve, pushing books by relatively unknown authors that eventually turn out to be great successes, and persuading established ones to strike out in new directions.

    Abhijit Banerjee

  • I have observed that Juggernaut's strengths lie in both the editorial and marketing aspects. They have the ability to select the right stories and effectively distill and communicate the essence of each book.

    Twinkle Khanna

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To a new writer, publishing can seem like a minefield. We’ve made the ultimate publishing 101 resources page for you!

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To a new writer, publishing can seem like a minefield. We’ve made the ultimate publishing 101 resources page for you!

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